Worlds Apart is currently providing LexArts discount cards to assist in fund raising for the organization. You can receive this card by making a donation of at least 52 dollars. This card gives you 10% off at many Lexington restaurants and galleries. It also gives the card holder 20% off certain retail stores, including Worlds Apart, for the weeks of February 20 -27, 2010, September 11 - 18, 2010 and February 19 - 26, 2011.
The fashion show this week is to kick off the retail discount week. Tickets are 65 dollars for the event and guests will be provided complimentary drinks and light hors d'oeuves. So, come check out what Worlds Apart has to offer for the Spring and help support our local arts at the same time!
Note: We are sorry to say that Heidi Klum will not be in attendance this Thursday, but wouldn't it be wonderful if she was!
Awesome Blog!